Ace Double D-221 The Terror Package/You've Bet Your Life in G+
Avon 112 The Squealer G
Avon 367 Outlaw Guns VG
Bantam 308 The Silent Speaker G+
Bantam 355 The Man Within FR/G
Bantam 103 Bells of St Mary's VG/F
Bantam 117 Women Are Like That VG
Bantam 366 Sherlock Holmes- The Hound of the Baskervilles VG
Bantam 978 Mima FR
Belmont 50244 Doomsman/The Thief of Thoth VG
Berkley F1204 Impossible Man G
Berkley F1283 The Eyes of Heisenberg G+
Black Hole PB F
Dell 144 White Brigand G+
Dell 491 Labors of Hercules G
Dell 735 A Corpse For Christmas VG+
ET The Extra-Terrestrial and His Adventures On Earth PB F+
Lion 205 Human? G/VG
Perma P236 Shadow of Tomorrow G/VG
Pocket Book 1118 QBI VG
Pocket Book 459 Virgin Heiresses VG Ellery Queen
Pocket Book 724 Case of the Careless Kitten VG/F
Pocket Book 94 Green-Mantle G
Pyramid G579 Insidious Doctor Fu-Manchu VG-
Signet P2712 You Only Live Twice VG