Action Comics #404 F
Action Comics #432 F/VF
Action Comics #440 VF+
Adventure Comics #429 VG/F
Al Jaffee Gets His Just Desserts PB VF+
All-Out War #1 NM-
All-Out War #1 VF/NM
All-Star Comics #60 VF
All-Star Comics #61 VF-
All-Star Comics #62 VF
All-Star Comics #64 VF
All-Star Comics #66 VF+
All-Star Western #6 F/VF
Amazing Adventures #17 VF+
Amazing Adventures #28 NM-
Amazing Adventures #30 NM-
Amazing Adventures v2 #04 NM
Amazing Adventures v2 #05 NM
Amazing Adventures v2 #08 NM-
Amazing Adventures v2 #09 NM
Amazing Adventures v2 #14 NM-
Amazing Spider-Man #132 VF
Amazing Spider-Man #192 VF
Amazing Spider-Man #218 NM-
Amazing Spider-Man All Detergent Giveaway #nn NM
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #11 VF
Amazing Spider-Man PB #1 VF
Arak Son of Thunder #1 NM
Arion Lord of Atlantis #1 NM (Copy)
Arrgh! #1 F-
Avengers #124 NM-/NM
Avengers #134 NM
Avengers #173 NM-
Avengers #191 NM-
Avengers #200 VF
Avengers #92 F-
Batman #275 VF+
Batman #276 F
Batman #278 F/VF
Batman #281 F
Batman #284 VF
Batman #284 VF-
Batman Family #12 VF/NM
Battle Classics #1 VF/NM
Battlestar Galactica #1 NM-
Battlestar Galactica #1 VF/NM
Battlestar Galactica #2 VF/NM
Beowulf #1 NM-
Black Lightning #1 VF+