Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #81 VG+
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #83 F-
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #84 F/VF
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #86
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #87 VF
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #88 VF-
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #89 VG+
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #90 F
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #91 F
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #92 F/VF
Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #93 F
Roy G Krenkel Portofolio F/F+
Scream #04 VF-
Sick #28 VG
Sick #29 VG
Spirit #1 F+
Spirit #1 VF-
Star Quest Comix #1 VF
Star Wars Featuring Indiana Jones #1,2,4-6
Starlord (UK) #3 NM
Starlord (UK) #5 VF+
Tandra Graphic Album Lot of (7)
Teen Love Stories Complete Set #1-3
Thunder Bunny #1 & #2
Tomb of Dracula #1
Trump #1 & 2 Complete Set
Twilight Tales #1 F-
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #2 VF/NM
Who's Who of American Comic Books
Witzend #5 G+
Wonderful World of Comics #1 VG+